How To Create INSTAGRAM AD Campaigns in 2022

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The famous social media platform, Instagram, has surpassed up to 1 billion users. This colossal audience is full of potential buyers for your business that can boost your sales revenue. About 200 million Instagram users discover and visit at least one business profile daily!

Current statistics show just how much this platform is reigning in the digital marketing world. Instagram can help you find the right audience to engage with and can expand and boost your revenue. That’s what Instagram advertising can do for your brand. Whether you are running a start-up company or trying to revive your business’s dead performance graph, understanding Instagram advertising and how to utilize it effectively is essential. Here’s a complete guide on for your next Instagram campaign.

Different Types of Instagram Ad Editors

In 2012, Facebook acquired Instagram and merged it with Facebook itself. Though you may want to create an Instagram ad, you’ll need to have a Facebook account to do so. Login to your Facebook account and open the Ads Manager.

There are three different ad editors to create and run Instagram ads.

  • Ads Manager
  • Power Editor
  • Facebook Ads API

Ads Manager has a self-explanatory user interface, making it relatively easier for novices to run ads. However, the Power Editor is similar to the Ads Manager but requires less manual work. You can keep your ads in the draft, plus you have the option to review your advertising plans before they go live. It’s often the best choice for business marketers.

Facebook API is a bit complex and requires technical knowledge to operate. However, the most preferred method for brand marketing is Ads Manager. That’s what we’ll discuss here.

NOTE: You’ll need a Facebook page for your business to run the ad, as pages are for professional and business use, whereas the accounts are merely for personal use.

How to Create Instagram Ad

The simplest method to get your Instagram ads up and running quickly and effectively is to turn your most engaging posts into Instagram ads in order to get the best outcomes for your business on Instagram. Beginning with this method can save you time ad will help you engage with your audience more effectively.

There are three steps to creating an Instagram ad using Facebook’s Ad Manager, which we will break down for you step by step.

  • Creating Your Campaign
  • Setting Ad Objectives
  • Designing the Creative 
  • Creating an Ad Campaign

Once you’ve logged into Facebook and opened up the Facebook Ads Manager, the first thing you’ll want to do is click on “Create an Ad Campaign” which opens up further options for you.

In the campaign creation process, you’ll need to provide certain constraints, like your budget to run the ad daily, campaign duration, and your marketing objective from a given list. Suppose you want to increase people’s reach on your website. You would select “Traffic” from the list.

Similarly, if you own an e-commerce store, it has the specific “Store” option that you can select to set your marketing objective for driving traffic to your brand’s Store.

Moreover, make sure to choose the “Ad Scheduling” appropriately according to your working hours. For instance, if you have set an ad campaign to appear 24 hours a day for your real estate business, people might call you at 3 AM in the morning asking you about the penthouse they saw in the ad. Aligning your ads to your business hours allows you to streamline the conversion funnel so you’re maximizing your returns.

Setting Ad Objectives

Ad objectives are measures you take to target your business’s potential buyers. This is where the real fun begins. Here you get to build your marketing strategies by selecting a target audience based on demographic, age, location, and even behaviors.

On the left side of the window, there’s an audience gauge showing the real-time active users that might be interested in the idea or product you sell. You can target your potential audience by being specific. The more your ad objectives are specific about your audience, the fewer people the gauge will show.

Before moving to the next step, uncheck the “Automatic Placements” and select Instagram.

In the Placements section, you get to select where your ads show up for your audience, including:

  • The Feed
  • The Explore page
  • Stories
  • Designing Ad Creative

In this final part, you get to play the creative role for your ad by adding photos and videos to attract your audience. Though Instagram is known as a photo-sharing app, Instagram’s algorithm keeps on changing and boosting content based on video formats, reels and IGTV. 

Ads based in video formats have higher chances of engaging audiences, and several studies also show people like to watch videos more than photos. So, when adding multimedia content to your ad, it’s preferable to go with videos rather than images.

Now, you’re able to select the format of your ad. You have three options to choose from for your ad format:

  • Carousel: Two or more swappable images and/or videos
  • Single Image or Video
  • Collection: Group of visual content and Shop products that opens in Fullscreen mode

After selecting your ad format, you’ll want to enter your website URL and some epic captions that’ll compel your potential buyer to click. With that done, you’re all set to run an amazing Instagram ad campaign to drive conversions and grow your business!

 If you wish to go further, you can explore the “Facebook Pixel” in this section of the Ads Manager, which tracks a person who bought from you once, and you can run an ad campaign specifically targeted for them in the future. The first step towards business expansion is knowing your customer and engaging with them, which is what Instagram advertising is all about! 

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